Customer Care

"Health" means more. Our commitment is to understand the relationship between health and the eco-friendly environment in order to improve the physical health and well-being of mankind.

The founder, Ronald suffered from rheumatoid arthritis before starting his business. He describes himself as a "patient entrepreneur" and attaches with utmost importance to the experiential aspect of life. To achieve this, he has been travelling extensively over Southeast Asia to discover the wisdom of health management from books such as "The Compendium of Materia Medica" and "The Art of War". (No one thinks about the need for medications until his sick.)

IMAGEHAND is about the pleasure experience of wellness promotional items. It’s a simple, our team is always looking for innovative way and sourcing new ideas that improve every angle.  Meanwhile, Imagehand works incessantly with family-run manufacturing network in Dongguan, Ningbo, Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City to produce the best good choices at competitive prices for your goodself.

So in 1989, we started our mission to import and distribute promotional items in a direct fashion.  Unique corporate gifts selection we were sure this more efficient and convenient process would pass substantial savings on to our customers.

New ideas and Concepts?  Feel free to leave us your project scope. Our product specialists will send together virtual samples along with art suggestion and lower price to meet your needs.